Webcomics from The Accursed Cabinet
Back from the Dead
So, if you still look at this, you’re probably wondering why this hasn’t been updated in uh, many, many, months. Well, college happened. 😀 It ate a pretty large amount of my free time, especially the last couple semesters, and so the poor Cabinet got neglected. But, I graduated last semester (woo!) and now the… Continue reading Back from the Dead
A new character, that’s what! 😀
Oh, *&@#.
Just in case you’re wondering, yes, Erik’s collar did just pop up by itself. Darn cheap celluloid collars.
Update 1 of two! The second comic will be posted this evening. ^_^
Well, okay, it’s a few hours late, but it’s still technically Friday…on the west coast. <.<; >.>; In other news, I’m hyped up on coffee. WHEEEE! 😀 -BD
Slightly late (again) but better late than never, eh? Oh right, “Je vais te botter le cul” translates to “I will kick your ass”